Well, 2014 started out with a bang as far as Egyptian archaeology goes. Recent finds by that rare breed of Homo sapiens known as Egyptologists are giving us more information about the Ancient Egyptian people, as well as how they accomplished some of their amazing feats.

Mummies and Tombs

Case in point is the recent discovery of a previously unknown tomb in the Valley of the Kings near Luxor that contains the mummified remains of several nobles, including infants, who were part of the Royal Court around the 14th century BC. The tomb has been significantly looted during antiquity, first for the gold and jewels they contained, and in more recent times by those seeking any antiquities of value to sell on the black market.

Archaeologists hope that the finds will provide some insights into life within the Royal Court. Even though the period in question is some 1,500 years after the period I write about in my First Dynasty trilogy, it’s still exciting for me when these finds fill in gaps in our knowledge. If you want to read more on the find and see some pictures, try here.

The Pyramids…again!

For more than a thousand years now, people have wondered how in the world the ancients were able to build the Pyramids at Giza. I have stood at the base of the Pyramids several times myself and wondered the same thing. 1.3 million blocks that weigh from two to 15 tons each, transported from hundreds of miles in the south, fitting together within 1/32 of an inch. Row upon row, course upon course to an apex that is 488 feet high!

Theories range from alien transport to pulleys and levers to massive sand ramps. Now a group of Dutch scientists believe that the stones were able to be dragged on sledges by wetting the sand in front of the sledge. Makes for interesting reading.

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